The Crafting Dilemma

I recently read that DIY weddings are out.  So 2011.

I was all about that idea last week!  Now, as my wedding approaches a quick 39 days, my shopping carts at etsy have begun to bulge and may soon break…the bank.  My philosophy of letting others do it for me and putting it on the card is plain not going to work.

Thankfully, my mother has kindly and effectively intervened.  She called on a few sweet, family friends to each make little parts of the reception decor.  One’s making a ring-bearer pillow, one’s making a guest book, one is making a banner, and so on.  It’s so gracious and lovely.

Of course, I’m now realizing that I’m going to have to pull my weight and make a few things, too.

My PT cruiser is now bulging with things I just “picked up” at Lowe’s today.  I’m supposed to stir, sand, paint, nail, and design a bunch of intimidating buckets of paint, wood, and paper into something beautiful?  Outside in the 110 degree Louisiana heat?  Oh, boy.

Since I’m not a crafty gal, I’m going to have to be headstrong and determined instead.  That, I am.

Here I go.

Pictures to come, if I dare.

**Note: I did, in fact, make a few crafts and order a few others for the wedding.  I do, in fact, have pictures.  I will post them at a later date.


A joyful Epiphany to you!  On this day that we celebrate Christ’s revealing as Messiah King, I pray your heart allow Him to be manifest in an honest, reverent, and happy way.  ‘O rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, “Rejoice!” ‘  (Philippians 4:4)

Full Circle

Last January 5, I wrote a poem reflecting on my prayer time.  I had been about to mumble on to the Lord to remember me in the midst of my sister’s good life, but was stopped by the Spirit to simply give thanks.  God said, “Be thankful.  That is all you need.  I will always remember you.”  Today, I know I am remembered by God as my unspoken prayers are answered.  Now as I read that same day in my devotional, the words rise from the page to create a new prayer in my heart.  Instead of asking God to remember me, I am asking him to care for me as a shepherd.  And I’m asking him to help me care for what he has put in my hands, a blessing to be remembered.

Setting Up the Pins

Life is too full to let it slide by unnoticed.  To remind us to take care of the little things with a sincere and thankful heart, here is the song of the week.

“Setting Up the Pins”
Sara Groves
Minneapolis, MN

Oops, Vacation

All of that work I meant to complete this weekend at home–that stack of music to go through and tests to correct–did not get done.  I guess I accidentally took a vacation this weekend.  I really had high hopes and figured this weekend would be perfect for school work being that I lost my voice Friday and wasn’t supposed to be talking anyway.

Oops, again.  I had five lengthy conversations with friends and family this weekend via skype, phone, and face.  I read a batch of books to my niece, played keyboard at church despite nearly falling over in exhaustion (post-week-long cold), and went shopping multiple times.

I also took long walks, listened to the Lord of the Rings Soundtrack, read Tarzan, ate at Noodles, and had a meeting with a choreographer.  Yep.  Sounds like vacation.  That school work will get done in the morning I suppose.  Good thing I volunteer half days at my own office.  (Monday might be a mocha day.)

Following the Heart and Signs of Beauty

Over the summer I spent a large amount of time sifting through the high school music library.  I was on a hunt for the “good curriculum.”  Those pieces that make students’ ear perk up.  The pieces that make them wonder what else they haven’t discovered yet.  Curious music was my mission.

I inhaled a lot of dust in my searching, threw out hundreds of disintegrating copies of Mr. Sandman, and welcomed the sight of Britten, Vaughn Williams, and F.Melius Christiansen.  The pride of my pick became the center piece for this winter’s concert.  Benjamin Britten’s “A Ceremony of Carols.”  It also gave me some concern.  The piece is typically high end in my mind.  It’s for choirs that are established; they’ve been around the block.

My choir is young and varied in experience.  We are split into thirds of proficiency.  Highly, mid, and low.  With this in mind, for the first three weeks of school, I have focused on tone, flexibility, and diction-oriented warm ups.  We’ve been rounding and lifting the tone all day, every day it seems.  We also leveled out our counting issues, team-composed rhythm and solfege exercises, and hammered out the school song every day.

It all seemed very basic; I was concerned for their general boredom until today.  First I made an announcement, then I handed them the Britten.

Last Friday, the top choir debuted the year through enormous nerves.  Homecoming coronation required them to sing the school song in the dark for the entire high school.  I don’t think they realized just how special they were as a choir until they got my report back to them today.  “You have been noted as the best choir in the past 13 years at this school by an administrator.”  Blown away, confidence through the roof.  Drive out the wazoo.  And that was the tipping point they needed.

With eagerness they grasped at the Britten today and came out with a gorgeous tone.  It was light and flute-like and, best of all, hopeful.  I think they even surprised themselves.  Furthermore, the old English text spurred a vocabulary discussion.  Real interest and intrigue burst out of these lovely high school students!  Curiosity!

Every day now I feel like I owe them something.  I owe it to them to teach well, to be happy, to push them, to find good music, to talk about meaning.  I owe them a real class with real content.  I owe them an environment that fosters learning.  And with that I hope they will learn to follow their hearts and leave signs of beauty behind.

I can’t wait to meet with the newly elected choir cabinet to see where they are really at, what they are really thinking.  Especially since the girls elected President and Vice-President were screaming in their joy all they way down the hall (at the very spectacular choir bulletin board).

Notes from a Sunday Sermon: Hope and Healing

Our message today is by Pastor C. John Steer
Hope and Healing for Hurting Marriages [People]

No. 8: Towards a Loving Marriage
Scripture: Matthew 19:1-12; John 2:1-11

Hope and healing come in the form of:

A Permission:

because sometimes it cannot be avoided
value determined by who you are in Christ
God creates and permits room for hope and healing
God clearly permits us to create space for hope and healing to flourish

A Person:

an ever present help in time of trouble
major problems require special help
God washes out pain and hurt with the cooling waters of hope and healing

A Practice:

Jesus begins with what’s available and proceeds to the miracle
Regular healthy habits create healthy relationships
Unified, supported, Biblical, corporate (2 or more) prayer and seeking

So what? One thing that struck me from the Bible today:

When it comes to miracles, God often simply speeds up a natural process.  Wine from water.
–> Usually, this is how God creates hope and healing in any situation: permissions, a person, a practice.

Make way for hope in your life.  Make way for healing.

*Above is a transcription from my notes during the services this weekend as my scanner is being a bugger.  Italicized words are my personal thoughts.

Things I Will Always Accept

Notoriously [in my family] an improving gift receiver [because I like to think I’m getting better and am not so terrible as I once was], I’ve decided to compile a list of gifts I will always receive with a huge smile and open arms:

sample perfumes
sweatshirt-y pajamas from Aerie

Vera Wang Look
Burberry Summer
Sarah Jessica Parker Lovely
$5 shoes from Target
tickets [movie, plane, concert, train, roller coaster]
Buy one get one earrings from just about anywhere, long dangles or hoops
An Aveda salon gift certificate
A book of any note
An itunes gift card
and of course, coffee in any form.

*I’m just saying.

Oh, and scarves, I will always say “yes” to a simple scarf or an elegantly patterned one.

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