Beleaguer Me Boston

There is a sneaking song in my life.  It’s the one that consistently makes me turn to whoever is near and say emphatically, “I love this song.  I just love it.  And the music video.”  I say it like I really know what I’m talking about and everyone should feel my heart pounding as the song starts.

Today the song came on the radio and I let my real confession breath.  I confessed to the nearest chica that I don’t own the original love of this song.  I confessed that I don’t really feel it’s mine to love.  Truthfully, I only love it [my heart only beats its rhythms] because a boy introduced me to it, however many years ago that was.  And now I confess that I love that and I hate that.

Love: I really do click with this song.  It’s probably for the same reason I clicked with that guy.  Not that he was piano-based and covered in ocean waves and angsty or anything.  But he was real and honest and heartfelt.  And that’s how I like to be.  And that’s how I like my music.  Hate: I wish I’d found this song on my own so that every time I heard it, I didn’t think of…him.  He’s not with me; I have no leads on him these days.  He legitimately checked out and that’s okay.  And I hate the angsty vibe and the crying spirit it dredges up in me.  Love: I love that I have a story with this song.  However personal and tiny.  However intangible and bittersweet.  However many times it makes me sigh.

Augustana: Boston


It’s true what they say about heat.  “Heat changes you.”  They say that, right?

As the temperature rises, I find it more and more difficult to maintain my steadfastness.  I’m letting my words fly and my imagination has completely run away with my sensibility.  I’ve lost any semblance of control.

I’m sticky and I feel stuck and I’m not liking it.

I’m not sure how to get back to the cool days of ease and coze,

when words were the only warmth I gave.  Now my words just add to the blaze.

It was 100 degrees Fahrenheit today.

The heat is getting to me.

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