Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light

For several years now, the first song we sing in our home for Advent has been J.S. Bach’s “Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light.” I’ll admit it was a bit of a stretch for us the first couple of years with it’s unexpected turns and harmonies and extended high range for the average singer, but now, we know it. We are comfortable with it and we do not shy away.

On the first Sunday of Advent, I find it appropriate that we should go ahead and stretch ourselves. We are waiting for an event that will change the course of humanity both collectively and individually for all eternity. We really should get ready for this.

So this Advent, stretch yourself. Reach for higher notes of ecstasy spiritually. Give more, be patient more, be quiet more, be prayerful more, be prepared to meet Christ the King of the Universe in the form of a very small child.

Here are the lyrics of “Break Forth” for you. Read through it and mediate on what we are in for.

1 Break forth, O beauteous heav’nly light,
and usher in the morning;
O shepherds, shrink not with affright,
but hear the angel’s warning.
This Child, now weak in infancy,
our confidence and joy shall be;
the pow’r of Satan breaking,
our peace eternal making.

2 He comes, a Child, from realms on high,
He comes the heav’ns adoring:
He comes to earth to live and die,
A broken race restoring.
Although the King of kings is He,
He comes in deep humility:
His people to deliver,
And reign in us forever.

We do not sing this perfectly, but neither are we perfectly holy. We continue to stretch and strive for the perfection of looking on God’s beautiful face.

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